Monday, July 27, 2009

First Post!

Hi All!

So, as I'm working on my PhD in Physiology at NC State, I've become a closet cake baker. Between the pigs, the vet school, classes, etc, its nice to have something that is full of sugar and flour (and flowers!) that tastes delicious and lets me be creative. As my life is full of 'ologies'....biology, physiology, immunology..... my little creative venture is going to be another 'ology.' Cakeologie.

I've decided that I want to keep a record of the cakes I've been baking....and I think this is going to be a fun way to do it! This is a learning process, the blogging AND the baking, but I'm incredibly excited about both.

So, to catch up on the last year of cake fun, here are a few pictures of some of the cakes I've done so far. I've taken the liberty of not photographing the disasters....those were eaten on the floor of my kitchen with a large spoon....but I'm really proud of the ones here! I can't wait to learn more...and bake more...soon!

A Kansas State themed cake for a friend going away to vet school!

In true Ashley and Brad style...a cake with Canada scenery and lion/tiger friends!

Snazzy shoe cake for a Sex and the City themed bachelorette!

Tenessee Volunteers themed groom's cake for Laura and Chad.

I was going for realistic and ferocious...instead I made cute cats!

Ashlyn and Chad's wedding cake...It had to be beautiful for such a beautiful couple!

A festive birthday cake for my sister Betsy... a cake, not a bonnet!

Cakes from my cake class!