Leigh and I are life friends. We've grown up together, from carpooling to and from elementry school to going to the prom together in high school. There are even pictures of all four of us (brother and sister included!) in the bathtub together when we were little!! Those were the days....haha! So when Leigh's mom Mrs. Diane asked me to do a cake for her wedding party in Goldsboro, there was NO hesitation. And as classy and elegant as Leigh is, her cake had to be too!

This cake was so much fun to make! It was three different flavors...vanilla, chocolate with a layer of chocolate gnache, and white almond sour cream pound cake. Delicious! The cake was buttercream with royal icing piping and handmade gumpaste lillies and roses, which turned out so pretty!

We had a little bit of excitement with the middle chocolate layer, where I learned that hot gnache does not actually stick to the cake, and it is essential to let the gnache cool BEFORE icing the cake....but all in all, it turned out fantastic. I was so pleased and proud of this one! There were only a few slices left, but after all of that dancing someone had to grab a little extra sugar-filled goodness!!
